Jekyll, a setting up guide.

1 minute read


Here you’ll learn how to setup your Jekyll serve, is very useful if you work with static pages.


Is a simple blog, static site generator for personal projects.
Jekyll is written in Ruby.
See more info here.


First, make sure you have all gcc dependencies:

sudo apt-get install build-essential

For installing Jekyll, we just need install some dependencies:

  • Ruby: Programming language.

    sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev make gcc
  • Gem: Package manager for Ruby.

    sudo apt-get install rubygems-integration
  • Jekyll:

    sudo gem install bundler -v '1.17.3'  
    sudo gem install jekyll  
    sudo gem install jekyll-seo-tag  
    sudo gem install jekyll-feed  
    sudo gem install jekyll-theme-cayman-blog  
  • If your have a requeriments doc, go to the parent directory and run:

    sudo gem install bundler -v "$(grep -A 1 "BUNDLED WITH" Gemfile.lock | tail -n 1)"
    bundle install
  • If you already have a web page, just run (if you have some errors):

    bundle exec jekyll serve

Creating a static web

Creating a new project on your local machine:

jekyll new webApp


Then, install components:

cd webApp
bundle install




Finally, start the static web by default in port 4000:

jekyll serve

or, in a specific port and host (Note: if you use port 80 or 443, use sudo):

sudo jekyll serve --port 80 --host localhost


In your favourite browser, enter to localhost:4000:


You can navigate here, e.g. /about page:
