Using Virt-Manager, a VM Manager Tool

3 minute read


Here you’ll learn to use Virt-Manager to manage your Virtual Machines.


Is a desktop-driven virtual machine manager with which users can manage virtual machines (VMs).
Virt-Manager is a Light virtualizer using KVM, Xen and Qemu.


  • First, we shoul know how many CPUs can support hardware virtualization:

    grep --color -e -svm -e vmx /proc/cpuinfo
    egrep -c '(svm|vmx)' /proc/cpuinfo
  • Then, installing virt-manager, qemu and kvm:

    sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm libvirt-bin virtinst kvm virt-manager virt-viewer
  • Add our principal user to the libvirtd group:

    sudo adduser jenazad libvirtd
  • Create a directory (pool) where you can store the images of each OS (vol):

    mkdir /home/$USER/.virtManager/images
  • Initializing the virtual manager:

  • Shows a list of all guest OS:

    virsh -c qemu:///system list --all
  • Connect to VM:

    virt-viewer -c qemu:///system vmname

Storage pool

A pool store the information of a group of OS (image).

  • Create/Define a pool:

    virsh pool-create-as --name stgname --type dir --target "/home/$USER/.virtManager/images"
    virsh pool-define-as --name stgname --type dir --target "/home/$USER/.virtManager/images"
  • Edit a pool:

    virsh pool-edit --pool stgname
  • List all pools:

    virsh pool-list --all
  • Initializing pool:

    virsh pool-start stgname
    virsh pool-autostart stgname
  • Delete/Undefined pool:

    If pool was defined, only write destroy, if not, write all this commands:

      virsh pool-destroy stgname
      virsh pool-delete stgname
      virsh pool-undefine stgname

Virtual Networks

  • Edit the virtual network:

    virsh net-edit netname
  • List all virtual networks:

    virsh net-list --all

Storage Volumen

A vol is the image installed of a OS.

  • List all vols in a pool:

    virsh vol-list --pool stgname
  • Create vol:

    virsh vol-create-as --pool stgVirt --name volname.qcow2 --capacity 20G --format qcow2
  • Delete vol:

    virsh vol-delete --pool stgname volname.qcow2

Virtual Machines

A virtual machine is a guest OS on another OS (host), you can see the xml configuration files on /etc/libvirt/qemu/

  • Create a VM:

    • From local iso (example installing Deepin 15.3):

      virt-install \
      --connect qemu:///system \
      --name Deepin15.3_VM \
      --memory 2048 \
      --vcpus 1 \
      --network network=virtualnetworkNAT,model=virtio \
      --os-type linux \
      --os-variant generic \
      --disk path=/home/$USER/VirtStg/images/deepin15.qcow2,size=20 \
      --cdrom /home/$USER/Documents/deepin-15.3-amd64.iso \
      --graphics spice \


    • From remote http/ftp server (example insalling Debian 8.0):

      virt-install \
      --connect qemu:///system \
      --name Debian8.7_VM \
      --memory 2048 \
      --vcpus 1 \
      --network network=virtualnetworkNAT,model=virtio \
      --os-type linux \
      --os-variant generic \
      --disk path=/home/$USER/VirtStg/images/debian8.qcow2,size=20 \
      --location '' \
      --graphics none \
      --console pty,target_type=serial \
      --extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial'


    • From remote http/ftp server (another example Fedora 26):

      virt-install \
      --connect qemu:///system \
      --name Fedora26_VM \
      --memory 2048 \
      --vcpus 1 \
      --network network=virtualnetworkNAT,model=virtio \
      --os-type linux \
      --os-variant generic \
      --disk path=/home/$USER/VirtStg/images/fedora26.qcow2,size=20 \
      --location '' \
      --graphics spice


  • Delete a VM:

    virsh destroy vmname
    virsh undefine vmname
  • List all VM:

    virsh list --all
  • Start/reboot/shutdown VM:

    virsh start vmname
    virsh reboot vmname
    virsh shutdown vmname
  • Save/restore state of a VM:

    virsh save vmname vmname-20170318.state
    virsh restore vmname-20170318.state
  • Clone a VM:

    virt-clone --connect=qemu:///system -o originalvm -n copyvm -f /path/to/copyvm.qcow2
  • Create VM using virt-manager interface:

    • step 1: Choose the method to install.


    • step 2: Select the ISO image.


    • step 3: Set RAM memory.


    • step 4: Create/Set a disk storage for the file system of the guest OS.


    • step 5: Write the OS name, select the network and choose (optional) more configurations.


    • step 6 (optional): Advanced configurations.


To configureyour VM depending of your OS, press here.